
How was Stonehenge constructed?

It took Neolithic builders an estimated 1,500 years to erect the prehistoric monument, however how did they do it?

Consultants have proposed numerous strategies for each lifting and transporting the stones from the close by Marlborough Downs and Preseli Hills, in southwest Wales.

In response to an experiment carried out by a former building employee, it was attainable that the builders rolled the megaliths into formation by inserting walnut-sized rocks beneath the stones, in response to Historical past.

The development employee discovered that utilizing this system, a person might transfer a single 1-ton concrete block at a pace of 300 toes per hour, whereas a workforce might transfer a lot bigger objects even sooner.

One other method, typically urged by consultants, is for the builders to make sleds and rollers from tree trunks to move the stones.

To boost the stones right into a standing place, the constructors seemingly used weights and leverage made out of supplies similar to plant fibers and wooden.

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